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WHY "Cleveland School Zone"?

Our Story

The concept of the Cleveland School Zone originated during my time in graduate school, where I was studying STEAM education. My aim was to ignite a sense of inspiration and motivation among minority students and individuals of all ages, encouraging their engagement with STEAM career paths. It wasn't until I pursued my second graduate program, this time in Mathematics, that I became acutely aware of the isolation I experienced as the only African American student in a lecture hall filled with around 100 students.

Simultaneously, I crossed paths with Adam Weible, who shared my deep desire to witness increased representation of African American individuals in advanced Mathematics courses. As we collaborated on a research project centered around analytical and statistical methods, it became evident that there was a significant and pressing need to provide support to a broader spectrum of students both at the local and national levels.

At the outset of this endeavor, we initiated our journey by hosting complimentary tutoring sessions, engaging in public speaking opportunities, and extending assistance to other organizations seeking retrospective analysis for their educational endeavors.

We recognize that building a community to nurture the aspirations of young individuals requires a diverse range of talents and skills. Whether you're a volunteer, entrepreneur, parent, educator, or industry expert, there's a meaningful role for you within our community. Are you ready to come aboard?


Our Mission

Cleveland School Zone is committed to disrupting the cycle of intergenerational poverty through comprehensive, hands-on programs that create a foundation for children, families, and communities to flourish in their educational pursuits, careers, and overall lives.

Our initiatives span various stages, from early childhood to education and career development, and extend to community engagement and well-being efforts. Our goal is to pave avenues that lead to upward mobility and success.

By taking the lead in setting an example, Cleveland School Zone aims to inspire communities nationwide, enhancing the well-being and prospects of millions. In collaboration with our partners, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the approach to eradicating poverty in neighborhoods not only within Cleveland, Ohio but across the entire nation.

Our Core Beliefs and Values

Prioritizing Children

We adopt a comprehensive, youth-centered strategy to generate transformative opportunities, guided by a commitment to justice, equity, and a revolutionary optimism for their future.

Service and Leadership

We are firmly rooted in our mission, unwavering in our dedication to achieving excellence for the benefit of our children, families, and community. Recognizing that our mission transcends individual interests, we are compelled to serve the communities we represent and guide the future of our children.

Area Impact

We understand that a child's birthplace and upbringing play a crucial role in shaping their future success. That's why we strive to create opportunities for prosperity in historically underserved neighborhoods. We employ a cradle-to-career framework approach aimed at breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

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